Whether it was a wedding ( always special ),or an organized trail riding experience (“Wow! Look at this back country trekking!”) or a hike thru the red rocks (“This is better than up in the canyon. It’s so expansive! You can see forever!), a stage coach ride for the children (“That was really something!”) a first time horseback ride for a young cowpoke (“The first time is always the best time!”), or a community gathering for 600 people to raise money for the new hospital.
Our friend, Bill Garland wrote “Thanks for putting on the greatest party that Sedona has ever seen. Probably strange, but the thing that impressed me most was your lighting up of the sandstone cliffs as a backdrop. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.”

The ranch was blessed by Hopi Oswald White Bear Fredericks and Naomi, one summer day and then our friends from the Dakota Sioux joined us to bless again the ranch and created the amazing saddle that remains at the ranch today
Many in Sedona have forgotten about the Ranch, and the important role that it played in the history of Sedona. El Rojo Grande is magical. Let’s work together to make it a vital part of Sedona’s future – a place that can be visited by guests from around the world. A place that will build our sense of community, and a place that we can be proud of – because we saved it!
El Rojo Grande Ranch is a Community Asset, and a focus for some of the community’s most important events. It was available for anything, for anyone, for any group, at any time.
Many in Sedona have forgotten about the Ranch, and the important role that it played in the history of Sedona. El Rojo Grande is magical. Let’s work together to make it a vital part of Sedona’s future – a place that can be visited by guests from around the world. A place that will build our sense of community, and a place that we can be proud of – because we saved it!
Here is a partial list of the Friends of El Rojo Grande Ranch. These are people who have loved the Ranch, and would never want to see it turned into anything like a huge manufactured home and RV park. If you feel the same way, send us your name and your email, and we will add your name here! (See our email address at the bottom of this page.)
ROBERT SHIELDS, adds his name
Dry Creek Arts Fellowship,Jody & Monica Beeler,Leonore Birch,Jim Bishop,Jeff Burger & Family,Bonnie Burkee,Barry & Brynn Burkee-Unger, David Brunner,Dean & Helen, Carlton & Marge Camp,Shirley Carroll,Jack & Joyce Cox,Rick & Dione Cozens,Charlie & Debbie Crick,Double H Custom Hats,Jeff & Susan Kliewer Dolan,Kevin & Karin Dunlap,Mark & Deonn Williams Etter,Mark & Wendy Finn,Mike & Darcy Fisher, Doug FredricksonMary & Bill Garland, Dan & Tricia Garland,Gary & Mary Garland,Mr. & Mrs. John Gilbert,Gary Graham,Sheri Graham,Juli Graham-Miller,Duane and Beverly Miller,Paul & Jane Grgurich,Alan & Susan Grodzinsky,Ollie & Sharon Harper,,Keith & Randi Harwood,Jim Bullock & Ken Heflin,Marion Herrman,Holly Hurst Loose,Bob & Christine Irish,John and Mary Jacobson,Gail Jamesen,John & Michelle Johnson,Tom & Noreen Johnson,Hoyt & Ma Johnson, Richard & Alison Johnston & Family, Isabel Joynt, David & Joy Keeber,Chuck & Phyllis Kline,Pay Kramer, Sasha, Hailey & Heath Landsberg,Bob & Loretta Larson,Mr. & Mrs. George Lidicker, Wayne & Judy Light,John & Kathy Lightfoot,Henry Lockett,Bob & Mary Longpre,Sedona Magazine,Mary Malmgren,Ron & Shoni Maulding, Marjorie McClanahan, Annie Miller,Bob & Julie Moore,Anna Lee Moyer & Family,Robert & Susan Muelier, Chuck & Mary Nyberg, Father J C Ortiz, Linda Leigh Paul, Sandy Immerson & Peter Perharos, Cynthia Perrin, Matt & Lynn Peterson,George Podd, Marie Rhines, Thron Riggs,Bill Ritter RIP ,Tip & Susan Roberts.Ralph & Kay Ronney, Robert & Linda Ryan,Robert Shields,Mark & Lisa Shugrue, Phil & Kay Shuper, Bob & Vera Skinner, Verne & Mary Smith, Mr & Mrs Frank Sorg,Sally Steele, Joe & Terry Tabback, Sharin& Leonil Theraux, Joe Villegas, Jeri & Bob Wallace,Tom Daily & Kurt Walters,Norma Ward,Dave & Carol Watters, Dottie Webster,Karin Wendell,Tom Whiteley, Buddy Young, Zandrah Ralph, Edith Geary, Father JC Ortiz, Rita Picton, Louise Sweet and family, Daniel “Dutch” & Paula Rebhun, Nick Coates, David & Michael Zutler, Mary and Bob Longpre, Elizabeth Kitchen, Muriel Blackstone, Catherine Mahon, Kevin Keating, Sandra McClurg, Ronald and Linda Martinez, Nilda Cook, Mary Helsaple, Sharie Richards, Linda Steadman, and Justin & Jodi Whittaker / Riley Whittaker / Wes Whittaker / Dave & Debbie Whittaker / Sally & Charlie Whittaker / Dude Whittaker / Halo Whittaker / Shelley & Emily Perciful, Ken Settle, Wayne and Susan Johnson, Susan Cannistraci, Heather Baker, Noreen and Malachy Wienges, Douglas W. Fredrickson, Kelli Erikson, Arizona Republic, Design Group Architects, Ibis Alliance, Robert Adams, Tom Bailey, Heather Baker, Brent Bitz, John Black, Beverly Black, Muriel Blackstone-Rosie, Sandy Cannistraci, Peggy Chaikin, Nick Coates, David Congleton, Dan Dagget, Trish Dagget, Nick Deerfield, Steve DeVol, Tammy DeWItt, Bill Eich, Elizabeth Fergus-Jean, Douglas Fredrikson, Benny French, Kates Hawkes, Sandra Immerso, Wayne Johnson, Susan Johnson, Kevin Keating, Kinzd, Elizabeth Kitchen, Gwen Langmach, Max Licher, Elizabeth Lineberry, Mary Longpre, Bob Longpre, Catherine Mahon, Michael McKinney, Pam Milavec, Shelly Perciful, Emily Perciful, Rita Lillard Picton, Bill Pumphrey, Daniel Rebhun, Nancy Ruby, Ken Settle, Tom Solon, Becky Solon, William Spring, Linda Stedman, Ernie Strauch, Karen Strauch, Rheta Strong, Louise Sweet, Daniel Vondrak, Kathleen Williamson, Mike Yarbrough, Greg Zucco, Stephanie Giesbrecht, David Zutler, Dr. Kennard B. Bork, Katherine O. Bork, David W. Dunaway, Kelli Erickson, Ardel Handverger. Kaycee Palumbo, Sam Braun, David Castellvi, Rev. Marchiene Rienstra, Dr. John Rienstra, Leesa Stevens, Cynthia Lewis, Morgan O’Connor– many many thanks to all!
RIP to all our friends that have left us too soon. ***BTW We are missing many emails – can anyone help and catch us up on contact information? Names spelled wrong ? Missing your son’s or daughters’s names? Let us know and send us an email at elrojogranderanchinsedona@gmail.com

More photographs to come soon! Send us your memories!